Already in childhood, I was interested in questions relating to my situation as a female in western society. During my political science studies I analyzed social structures and history through women’s research. During this process, I began to realize that historical writing is a means of empowerment.
Historical writing in western cultures is dominated by male authors and by a patriarchal understanding of historical processes. This understanding is dominated by a male view of culture and of the cycle of life and death. Male dominance of historical and scientific writing makes it very hard to reactivate lost knowledge as does the fact that undesirable knowledge has been destroyed.
This lost history includes knowledge of women’s societies and their alternative social structures. These societies, known as matriarchies, lived in a unique way with a very different understanding of how to use knowledge than the understanding dominant today. These societies have been destroyed leaving a huge gap in the knowledge of diverse ways of living and communicating within and between cultures.
A one-sided view of knowledge has developed into science. The simplicity of healing has developed into medicine. And the loss of spirituality has developed into religion. The consequences of this have been wars, ecological catastrophes, and political and religious extremism, which are disastrous examples showing that something has gone wrong.
Global society is undergoing fundamental change that has spread to all areas of life. I see this change as a chance to recall and reactivate lost knowledge. For me, the human being as a whole is important, especially his or her powers of perception and the impact of their cultural and individual expression and communication. This is what has motivated me to become a teacher/trainer and mentor.