[themecolor]Definition[/themecolor] Visual Communication is the language of visual perception and visual expression. It is visualisation of pictures in the mind’s eye or the naked eye, which are transported to the unconscious mind. It enables vision as well as envisioning. |
[themecolor]Tools[/themecolor]Visual Communication uses visual media such as graphics, painting, photography, movie, multimedia, etc., to transport content. Visual Communication is also expressed physically; for example the deaf use, sign language as a communication medium, which is also a kind of Visual Communication. |
[themecolor]Methods[/themecolor]Methods of Visual Communication are
1. Image formation: A picture consists of different image planes: foreground, background, lower and upper areas, left and right sides, center and all visible sectors along the perspective from the fore- to the background. Every position has a special meaning for the picture’s expression and also the viewer’s. | |
2. Art work: Every picture is designed with relation to its specific content. Presentation and position define the importance of the objects and people shown. The interaction of dimension, color, focus, presentation (foreground, background, etc.) gives persons and objects their special meaning. |
3. Picture language: Pictures or series of pictures tell stories and communicate different contents. Picture language can have a documentary character if it is transported, for example, with media such as photography or movies; it can also have a symbolic or abstract expression if media such as painting, collage, or graphics are used.
4. Facial expression, gesture, body language: The oldest and most widespread expression of Visual Communication is body language. The facial expression transports our emotional condition, our wants and needs, and gives our speech special meaning. Gesture defines our individual style of communication, underlines the dynamic of our storytelling and visualizes situations with the body. Second, some gesture is part of collective understanding. | |
5. Image analysis: Image analysis consists of image formation, artwork, and picture language. It describes and interprets the individual and cultural expression and effectiveness of visual presentations. In addition to this knowledge, results of analysis are also influenced by individual knowledge and experiences that are reflected based on previously learned methods. | |
[themecolor]Examples and practice[/themecolor]Methods of Visual Communication encourage individual competence in perception and expression. These situations allow for a calculated analysis and assessment of your own capacity, for a better qualification of your position in professional and private life and for coherency of cultural and social expressions. Visual Communication exists throughout our professional and private life. This is useful whether we are creating a layout or using body language to make our wants understood by a person with a different cultural background. In these situations and projects, we try to use all of our faculties and knowledge of the methods and media of Visual Communication. |